It's curious a former owner would know nothing about the tractor, and that might suggest you're into a situation. All sort of things can produce such a problem, and it would be difficult to check without some familiarity with the tractor and a manual. I don't know the tractor myself. However, a couple of things to check that would not require repairs are: If the tractor has other hydraulics, a divertor valve may be in the auxiliary system position. If a flow control valve is fully closed, the 3ph won't operate, but a pressure relief valve may open and 'squeal' when the lift is raised. My 3ph is plumbed after the loader valves (in an open centred system). The 3ph won't operate if any of the loader valves are operated or stuck. If there are other hydraulics and they work, then the hydraulic pump is good, and the problem may be the 3ph itself, and except for gross linkage maladjustment, repairs are needed. If no other hydraulics are present, then a pressure test would indicate if the pump is working. A pressure test needs a gauge and knowledge of where to tap into the system.