1. If you have photo editing software, try to get the file size down to about 200KB or less. You might need some help with that for starters. 640x480 frame size works pretty well. 2. Once you have photo sized and cleaned up to where it looks good, you have to save it to a location on the hard drive. You'll need to know what's called "the path". In other words the location on the computer where it's saved. If you can get the file size down like I said in step #1, you can save it on the floppy disk. Then it'll be easier to locate. (It will upload slower but that's OK.) 3. Now decide where you want it posted--"Tractor Photos", "Help Identify" and go to that page. It will help if you open up two Internet Explorer browsers at the same time. One can be used to upload the photo and the other can be used to type your message and post the photo. Once you open the two browsers you need to get to this website and then select the photo page on one and the forum page you want to post your message on the other. 4. On the photo page you selected, click on "Add your photo". A page will come up asking for your name (1st name only--OK) and a few other questions. After doing this, proceed to next page. A "browse" window will be seen--click on "browse" and point to the file you want to upload--again easier for beginners to use a clean floppy only containing the photo rather than hunting all over the C: drive. When you select the file, the computer will upload the file to the YTMAG server. Wait until this is complete--if you have dial-up, it might take a minute or so--again, depending on how large the file is. Once it uploads a page will open up showing you the photo. If you like what you see, then click OK or whatever they ask you. 5. Now, go to the photos page and open up your photo. Right click on the photo image and click "properties". A pop-up window will show up that provides the path or the internet address to that photo. left click and drag the mouse pointer across the filename. It will hightlight in blue. Now right click on the highlighted filename and select "copy". 6. Now on the other browser window where your message was already typed, you'll see the space for "optional Image URL". Left-click in that window and then right click in the same window and select "paste". The address to your photo will appear in that window. 7. Now post your message and the photo should appear with your message. Lots of words, but once you do it a couple of times it'll be easy. There are other ways to post your photo on other sites but this is the way I do it and it works fine.