1. An experienced sales clerk can put you onto the adapter. Have no P/N. Mine was painted yellow meaning they (my NH dealer) had stocked it for the industrial versions. What I like about it is you can get 2 way performance, not pressure lift and gravity fall (1 way)like the OEM spool installation. 2. Be sure and get an OPEN center control valve preferably with spring return.....meaning when the cylinder hits bottom, the pressure in the system rises and that kicks the lever to the off positon. A valve that doesn't have the spring (auto) return will work; you just have to listen (or watch) for the cylinder to hit bottom and the engine start to lug with the higher pressure. You have to have an OPEN center spool as the hyd fluid flows from the pump, thru your adapter thru your new controller, back to the adapter, and then to the 3pt lift. Closed center would render your lift inop and cause pressure overload problems. (Tractor supply for all the goodies except the adapter) 3. To operate the remote, the 3pt arms must be below max up. At max up the unloading valve in the 3pt ckt unloads the hyd pressure of the system. Below max up, the 3pt resists pressure allowing you to have pressure available to operate the remotes. 4. Remember to not expect it to work immediately after installation. Will need to force air out of it so numerous ups and downs of your 3pt position lever, then once that works, hooking up a cylinder to the remotes and more up and down to get the air out. 5. Lots of things could cause weak hyd, but a 5x5 is no slouch and it takes a system in good working order to lift it at all. So even if you have to rev some you aren't in that bad a shape. 6. I located the lever where it was handy for me. I dislike the OEM levers on the OEM controllers as the levers get in the way of my hands operating the lift and feet mounting and dismounting. 7. I plumbed with 1/2 hose. No reason you couldn/t use 3/8 as the pump only puts out 4+ gpm and that ain't no drag racer. Be patient. Mark