02-23-2005 14:08:32
Re: Remote Hydrualics - low pressure in reply to Alex H., 02-23-2005 12:43:50
No, our 6610 didn't have a cab, nor did I know that there was a combining valve until someone else said there was. Never had to worry about the one on ours, they both run just fine. Do you have the tractor apart? If you can still start it up and run it with the hydraulics hooked up, turn on one remote, then use a screw driver to push back the spring loaded ball thing back in there, and make sure you don't stand behind it. See if you have any flow to the back. Our 7610 had good flow, but no pressure, so that was how we figured the pump was out. If the valve is not working or somethig is clogged up then it shouldn't have any flow or pressure. I am starting to thing that the engine mounted pump was out. On these tractors, i think when they had an engine mounted pump, the remotes ran off of that pump while the transmission pump ran the 3pt, clutch, dual power (if equipped). I could be wrong on that, but I know that not having much oil in the engine mounted pump is not right. I would try priming the pump, It may just be air locked or something like that? I believe some one made a post on here about priming that pump. Also, If you have the pump off already, see if you can take it to a hydraulic/tractor shop to get it tested out. Another thing, our 7610 after a new pump, got low and the remotes were the first things to loose pressure. If you ran it empty, it is possible that when you fired it up the first time, a few quarts went to fill up filters, lines, transmission, clutch packs, etc. Basically double check the fluit level, sounds stupid, but it can easily be an overlooked step. Good luck and respond back with your discoveries and let me know if you need anything else. Also, if you don't find the problem, i can try to get ahold of a guy from back home who has a set of service manuals, which also have the step by step trouble shooting guides and ask him what normally causes this. How many hours are on the tractor?