Going to bet the "work then nothing" you mentioned, is a circuit breaker kicking out cause of an overload. It cools off, resets, and you do the loop again. Some thoughts. The harness (or at least a wiring diagram) is a good idea. The big terminals on the solenoid obviously go from the battery to the starter. Sometimes an extra voltage feed wire is added on the battery side to feed voltage to the ignition switch via the ammeter. Since you were running and now have a "dead short" I'd bet you are mixing hot and ground wires on a terminal and it is probably on the solenoid, and probably the wire that is supposed to go to the large terminal to get voltage to go to the ign sw. Thinking..... ..With key turn starting, you could have a 4 terminal solenoid and the 4th terminal goes to ground via the safety switch. If you got the hot wire hooked to this terminal you would surely have a short and pop a ckt breaker. The output of the ignition switch or start button, whichever, has to take the voltage to the small terminal on the starter. On '66 as I recall the tranny safety switch is on the high side meaning the ign sw/startbutton goes there and from there to the solenoid. With that kind of rig you only need a 3 terminal solenoid. If you have a 4 terminal (2 large, 2 small) your safety sw is in the ground side of the sole and has voltage on it all the way to the switch until you push the button. This rig was pre '65 so you probably have the first set-up and have a key-turn start function. It's really a simple set up. 1. Need to get batt volts to ign source (key switch)...good place is large terminal on batt side of solenoid. 2. Need to get voltage from ign switch to one small terminal of the solenoid. 3. Need ground on the other side of solenoid input ckt, either by internal connection to the mounting bracket, hence frame of tractor, or by a 4th terminal. 4. The tranny safety switch is wired in series in either the hot line (3rd terminal)or the ground line (4th termial). Mark