Since Tractor Power Steering is what do, I saw your post and wanted to respond to your question to warn you about using copper lines in a hydraulic system. The pressure of hydraulic system can cut you like a knife if the line has a pin hole in it or bursts under the pressure. Besides cutting into your skin, often the hydraulic fluid is hot as well. I have personal experience on this subject. Anyway, here are some guidelines you should remember..... 1. I prefer to always use a good quality two wire hydraulic hose. My brand of choice is Gates. Hydraulic hoses are much better now days, so it is best to buy quality hose that will stand up to the sun and there is a good chance that you will never have to replace it again in your lifetime. 2. The hoses need to be made to the right length and tied up so they can"t snag on something and burst while in use. 3. One should always use swivel ends...both male and female. They only cost a few cents more. That way if you need to take apart the hydraulic system in the future, you don"t have to remove so much of the hydraulic system. 4. One should always use hydraulic fittings on the presure side of the hydraulic system. Black pipe fittings only have a pressure rating of 750 psi...and the ones from China can have as low as 250 psi. Most tractor hydraulic systems (in the older fords) range from 1200 psi to 2200 psi. 5. Never use galvanized pipe or fittings or pipe in a hydraulic system. Under pressure, the galvinized material flakes off and gets into your hydraulic system...and also the galvinized pipe causes a chemical reaction in the hydraulic oil that degrades or softens some seals and o-rings. If you have more questions regarding steering or the hydraulic system of your tractor, I will be glad to visit with you about it. You can always reach me at 620-357-6546.