I recently flushed the PS system on the 64 4 cylinder 4000 that I bought about 6 weeks ago. The PS had a mixture of ATF and water in it that looked like melted strawberry ice cream. Since I was in no hurry, I removed the pump and washed it out with gasoline. I also jacked up the front end, marked and removed the cylinder hoses, and worked the steering from lock to lock several times until no significant oil was forced out. Blowing out the lines between the pump and the steering pedestal forced out some more oil. I left the lines open for about a week until I could work on it again before working the steering back and forth a few more times. Finally, I replaced the pump with a new filter installed, reconnected the hoses, filled the resevoir, and started it up. After running it for a while and topping off the resevoir after all of the air was purged by operating the steering a few more times lock to lock, I sucked as much of the new oil out as possible with a turkey baster and replaced it with new oil. Appears very clean now. Dean