I'm no electrical guru but I can comment on a couple of things and offer one test to try. 1. 8N was originally 6V positive ground. You state it has been converted to 12V. Most 12V conversions are negative ground so the fact your tractor is negative ground is no cause for concern. That seems normal to me. 2. It has been said that there are at least a dozen different ways to accomplish a 12V conversion and as many as 8 of those methods actually work. Normally I would lean toward a premade wiring harness, but it's impossible to be sure the harness you buy will match the conversion that was done on your tractor. 3. Have you tried jump starting the tractor? Since it's a 12V system it should be a simple matter of connecting jumper cables from any other 12 V vehicle: positive to positive, negative to negative. If that doesn't work, try jumping directly to the big terminal on the starter. Hook one cable to the terminal and the other to a ground on the tractor (radius rod, running board, brake pedal, whatever is close and works). WARNING!! Be very certain the tractor is in neutral before doing this. Jumping directly to the starter bypasses the neutral safety switch. If the tractor is in gear and the starter starts to spin, you could get run over! 4. Another test to try (maybe before jump starting it) is to ground the starter button to the trans cover with a screwdriver. Maybe the button has gotten gunked up and is not making a good ground to complete the circuit. If the starter spins when grounding the starter button, but won't spin when you push the button, that means the button is not performing like it should. You can try spraying some WD40 up under the button to regain contact. That worked for me when my button quit working. Eventually I'll probably have to pull the trans cover and replace the button, but for now it's still working.