12-17-2005 11:54:32
I've never had a 40 series tractor, but I do have a TS90, which is a modernized version of the 40 series. I have the 12x12 manual/synchro transmission. It's good once you get onto it, but not the be all end all. I'd sooner the old 16x8 which the 10's had, for most jobs. I thought the SLE's had the 16x16, but they may have had the 24x24 as well. At any rate, the 24x24 is just a 12x12 with a dual power and power reverser. As far as I know, they've been fairly reliable. The only other comment that I'll make on the 12x12/24x24 is that the shift linkage is not 100%, and I've seen a few, my own included that will lock in gear if you're not careful about shifting them. Mine has been like that since new. It's just one of those stupid quirks, along with a poor parking brake (cable) design that tends to stick most of the time, and an engine that has a thirst for oil. These are, in the grand scheme of things, rather small problems, but they generally sour a person who was well pleased with a 10 series Ford. I never liked the fuel tank placement on the 40 series either. They were 15 years too late in copying one of John Deere's less stellar ideas of putting the fuel tank ahead of the rad where any spillage gets drawn into the rad fins and contributes to a buildup of crap. Otherwise, mechanically and physically, the 40 series were very cabable and durable tractors, and I wouldn't hesitate to buy one if I needed a tractor in that class. However, do check and make sure that all the electronic systems are up to par on this tractor, as the transmissions and hydraulic systems are all electronically controlled on the SLE's. From what I understand, they are for the most part trouble free, but you can still get a bad one.... Beyond that, I have no major complaints about my TS.... It's just that it's no 10..... Rod