Arthur..... ...I know 8-ways to convert 8N's to 12-volts so it is hard to guess which way yer's was converted to 12-volts and that is why yer tractors wiring is "sloppy", BAD shadetree conversion. And while some tractor parts stores will sell you a pre-made 12-volt harness, they don't come with "instructions" nor wiring diagram. UNLESS you fully understand HOW the conversion was made, suggest you gittsum "zipp-ties" to gather all yer loose wires into an acceptable harness. Then cover yer re-made harness with split plastic tubing or wrappitt with new fresh black plastic electricians tape. And make it look purdy. All this is available at yer local hardware store, go lookin'. As a general rule, use the SAME SIZE WIRE, 6-or-12-volts and ALWAYS STRANDED. And strangely enuff, electrons don't care what color the wire is, but us electrially challenged need color to help-us to figger out which end of which wire goes where. (tip: same color)..... ....Dell