Hi Alan, I'm not sure how that selector valve you have is setup. If you have the factory remotes mounted under the seat that I'm familiar with, then you wouldn't have a selector valve. However, there might be a selector valve to operate a load monitor cylinder, if the tractor has a load monitor. If that's the case, then you would only pull the selector valve out when you have a cylinder attached to the load monitor couplers. Now to the 3-point problems. I would start by changing the hydraulic filter. There could be a clogged filter, restricting flow. Beyond that, I would suspect either a badly worn pump, or more likely dirt in the control valve or worn internal linkages. There's not going to be anything cheap in there. So, I'd start at the filter. Then go from there to a pressure gauge in the remotes, and then flow/pressure testing if that doesn't work. I think that tractor should pump about 9.7 US GPM at 2100 rpm, and produce 2500 psi. If that all checks out OK, then I'd probably pull the lift cover and check that over.... I think that would require a cab tilt on that tractor..... Gets nicer all the time.... Rod