From the Ford tractor Select-O-Speed Shop Manual Supplement, Section 7 - Description and Operation-Select-O-Speed Transmission, Page 11, Column 2, Transmission Feathering Valve: "The transmission incing pedal is located on the left side of the transmission case. It is used to maneuver the tractor very slowly or slightly, as required, when hitching or unhitching implements, AND AS A MEANS OF INTERRUPTING POWER FLOW TO THE REAR WHEELS." From the All-Purpose Tractor Manual, Series 2000 and 4000, Select-O-Speed Transmission Tractor-Gasoline Engine (note that the diesel engine model paragraph on this is identical), page 19, Driving the tractor: "With the engine running AND THE INCHING PEDAL DEPRESSSED, shift directly to the desired gear if the operation is anticipated to be in the low gear ratios (1 through 4). Shift to one gear below the anticipated operating gear for the higher gear ratios. INCREASE THE THROTTLE SETTING TO HANDLE THE INTITIAL LOAD, THEN LET THE INCHING PEDAL UP SLOWLY UNTIL THE TRACTOR MOVES OFF SMOOTHLY." Then a special paragraph still on page 19: "NOTE: The foot operated inching pedal interrupts power flow and IS OPERATED SIMILARLY TO A CONVENTIONAL CLUTCH PEDAL where quick disengagement of the rear wheels is desired." You operate your inching pedal the way you want! I'll continue to operate mine as I have for 40 plus years with no ill affects and much more pleasant shuttle operation, etc!!!!! Maybe if you get 30 more years on yours you'll learn how it really operates best.