Slip: The symptom that you describe with your MT is a rather common one on old farm tractors. It is usually caused by the float sticking. The float assemblies in these old carburetors usually have two brass floats soldered to a steel bracket forming a Y-shaped assembly. Usually, the float bowl surrounds the venturi and the Y-shaped float fits into the bowl with one float on either side of the venturi. If the float bracket is bent the float can bind against the inside or outside of the float bowl causing it to stick open when the tractor is not running. Usually, this does not happen with the tractor running because the vibration is enough to dislodge the float. Another common cause of this is improper adjustment of the float drop setting. If the float is allowed to drop too far, it can wedge into the narrowing float bowl near the bottom if you run the tractor out of gas or intentionally turn the gas off and allow the engine to run the gas out of the carb. If it does, the next time you turn the gas on the float can stick causing the float bowl to overflow. I suspect that you will find one of these problems when you take your carb apart. Dean