Just did it this summer (I used the wrong fluid). First take off the return fluid line to the PS reservour and drain out what you can. Then wipe it out clean and put in a new filter. Next, you need a small piece of 3/8 or 5/16 (I forget which) hose. Use it to plug the return fluid port on the reservour. You can also use a length of it to route the return line flow into a bucket or jug. Then refill the reservour with good clean 134 fluid and have a gallon or three on hand. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the left. Start the tractor while holding the wheel to the left and idle it until the fluid going out the return line is clean then shut it off. You will have to be constantly filling the reservour, so as you might have guessed, you really need 2 people. Run time is short - 10 seconds or so. Once it is clean to the left, turn the wheel to the right (engine off). Start and run the tractor at idle while holding the wheel all the way to the right, until the fluid is clean again. Keep the reservour full! That should do it. Fill the reservour and turn the wheel lock to lock a few times while idling to ensure all the bubbles are out. The reason I like to hold the wheel all the way left/right is to keep the pressure and flow going thru the control valve to flush it out. Overkill? maybe, but that's the way I was taught years ago. jb