BDT in Minnesota
01-06-2007 11:42:02
Re: Leaking 600 in reply to Bamaguy, 01-05-2007 08:37:33
I would like to run a few questions past you..Was the tractor purchased to do work FOR you, or to BE MORE work for you...If the tractor runs ok in it's present condition, and is doing it's intended job,I would have reservations about tearing it to pieces and going without a tractor for who knows how long{???} A few more things to ponder are the condition of the entire machine..For a few : the sheet metal condition, the radiator, water pump, electrical systen, steering sector and front axel components, gas tank-is it rusty or leaking- steering wheel, all four tires and rims, seat, gauges, hydroulic system, clutch, brakes, pto, casting problems such as a welded up block or cracked transmission or rear end housing. axel seals, excessive smoke from engine, grinding in any of the gears..Well, this should be a big enough iceburg for now...But to make a point; look the whole tractor over and make a list of everything that you notice. Like others on here have suggested, put on a valve cover gasket and clean up the old gal..These old tractors don't have to be perfect to do a good job serving your needs...I have seen alot of people spend big piles on money on equipment repairs without a benefit of return...You can always"""""RESTORE" your tractor at a later date, but beware that the time, labor and parts costs often exceed the expectations or estimates..Either way, enjoy your Ford and Happy New Year.... Bruce