I have a 1958 651, with a 12v system. Last year while bailing the lights faded and quit. I pulled the alternator (generic single wire-12v NAPA alternator), it bench tested as bad, and I replaced it. This year, after approx 15 hrs of work since replacement, same thing happened - same result, and another replacement. On first day, that replacement never charged at all. My last replacement alternator I installed, started the tractor, and checked the output post with my volt meter, which read 0.00. I unhooked the alternator wire and checked the output post, and got about 1.1v reading. Reconnected the alternator wire and it read 0.00 again.Following the alternator wire, I see that it goes from the alternator to the ampmeter, and then to the starter solenoid. Wondering if the ampmeter (which has never worked in the 4 years I"ve owned the tractor) was shorting out the alt wire, I cut and connected the two wires to bypass the ampmeter. Still 0.00 output from the alt. To my understanding, I should be getting 12v+ at the alternator wire post. (?) Any thoughts would be fantastic (it gets old having to chase the tractor around with the truck to jump start it! lol) Thanks in advance