Excuse me if I lead you down a path you have already been but it is very hard helping with wiring over the internet. I have no choice but to take every word at face value. You may know exactly what you are trying to say but I also need to know. This is why I give test to follow so I know where you are at and what you have done. Lets deal with this coil first. YOU SAID that you did NOT replace the coil. Now you say you have a 12v coil. If you have a coil that is marked "12v no external resistor required" you do not need a resistor. If you have the original 6v coil you will need a 12v to 6v resistor in the wire from the terminal block to the coil positive post. SO lets move to the relay. You say the relay is making a clicking sound when you apply POWER. Does this mean you jumped power to the S post and it clicked. If so you have the wrong relay but that will not prevent in from cranking. If you apply power to the S post and it clicks but does not try to crank; I have to assume you have a bad connection somewhere; a weak battery; and maybe a bad relay. When I try to find a problem I often remove parts from the system; but advising this over the internet can get me in trouble because I do not know the mechanical knowledge of the person I am talking to. But I would run a battery cable from the post on the starter straight to the battery positive post. If it tried to crank then I would know the battery and starter are good and I could concentrate on the relay. To show you what I mean..... ..... .. I had a problem with my tractor starting this past winter. Had a battery I took out of my pickup so I knew it was good. Starter had just been rebuilt less than a year ago. I replaced all cables with new #2 cable and ends. Replaced the relay. Still would not start. I sat down and went threw it in my mind and could not figure out what to do. Then I started over and checked everything even though I knew it was good. Come to find out pressure washing the tractor had put water in my newly rebuild starter and had rusted it all up. This may be the long winded version but try to tell me everything you do so I am not guessing.