Well, your dealer may not be familiar with the older stuff. The 19-337 item number is not going to be mentioned in the manuals. Goofy system to keep track of but there you have it. I went to the ford new holland web page, drilled down on the parts and service tab then searched for parts, then entered "724" in the model, then selected the 724, 725 front end loader. One of the first items is the frame, that is common for the following items; {copied from the FNH web page} 724-SERIES FORD LOAD / 001 FRAME, 19-335,19-336,19-337,19-377 The parts search spawns a new web instance and it doesn't copy well. (At least I don't know how to do it!) But, just click on the hyper link "search for parts" and enter the loader model of 724. It will pop up your loader and show all the parts for it. I think you may be able to get operators manuals from this site. Only parts manual from the ford site - but the online stuff is free - why kill a tree>? Hope that helps!
Merry Christmas! jb