You can host your photos on a free site like photobucket, before you load them on that site, crop em down, 640 x 480 or less, the latter seems to post nice size photos fine here, little smaller is ok too, not sure what exactly the optimum size is for here, that should also make the file size small enough as well. You can copy paste the direct link from that photo hosting site, just left click once on the box below the photo it highlights in yellow and says direct link, thats the link you want to make and use in your command here In the body of your message here, open a set of parentheses using the greater than or less than symbols above the comma and the period keys, by pressing the shift key and the comma key, then inside that parentheses type in as follows no quote marks though: "img src" followed by "=" equal sign no space, then your photo link, and close the parentheses as described If that is as clear as mud, do a search here on posting images, something will come up to help you better than I can describe it, it's easy to remembere though. again as follows: open parentheses, then..... img src= "paste the direct link to your photos from the host site you are using right after the equal sign, no space, then close the parentheses by pressing shift and the period key" greater than or less than symbols, 1/2 diamond not the others on the key pad. Link If I used an actual example to show you it would prompt the command. so I'll try it with the wrong parentheses (img src= just use the correct parentheses, at the beginning and ends <.....> Interested in seeing the work done to that pivot pin, been studying up on that component as I have to do mine, it's worn out I think.