We have a TW30 that we purchased with 4800 hours on it. Payed $15k for it and it came with hub duals and a JD 235 22'wing fold flex gang disk. We have put on 300 hours on it so far. If it has the big baloon tires on the front make sure that the power steering pump is OK when up to temperature - if at idle you can't turn the steering wheel then its shot. Our PS pump was shot at 5100 hours. Adding a cooler to the PS pump oil will help with the life of the pump. Keep the fan belt fiddle string tight. I feel the fan belt on this application is too light and should have been a serpentine belt or 2 belt system. If its glazed replace it. The tranny and DP is solid. Hydraulics are fast. It has a little more cab noise than our 8700 due to the intercooler/turbo. Uses a little more than a gallon an acre pulling a 24'IH 496 disc. Keep the RPM's up over 1900. Below that and all power is lost - especially on a forage chopper with the PTO. It uses the 401 engine that was used since the 8000 came out. Big difference is a front oil pump off of the crank instad of the cam. Oil cooler off of the side with spin on filters. The link is to a picture of our TW30 hooked to our IH 496 24" flex gang disc. Click the link then click ford manuals for the picture. A picture of our 9000 is there also. Jason