Ok I finally got the super major out of the storage building and into the shop, well its at least nout of the storage building, needed a jump assistance but I knew that was coming,,started fairly easy for not having run all winter,, heres the question, I removed the generator,cleaned it up it was covered in oil, I need major gasket work,, it is a lucas 12v generator,, #22715H 12v,,underthat is C 40 21 69,,{the 0 could be a C is has a rivet over it},,made in england,,, there was also a tag from I believe a rebuild shop, wilson reman. #22703F.. I got it on the bench to motor test it,, {the pulley rotates freely with no load,,has a little play in and out less than 1/8"},,I proceeded to hook the hot to one of the two tabs on the back of gen, and ground to the gen,, the pulley locks up can not move it,, tried the other tab and the same thing,, will move freely by itself but not when testing to see if it motors,, what next?? One more question on the fuel line, that comes from the tank to the primer button thing a ma jig,,it was leaking and I couldnt tighten it so I remeoved it, the bottom where it was leaking only has a normal ferrel where it tightens to the part, the top also has a ferrel but it looks tapered not just rounded, do I need the same type for the bottem, and where can I get them any auto store?? thanks sorry so long,pat