Thanks all for your responses. Please keep in mind that this is an intermittent problem. Here's what I have done so far: 1. Changed out the oil. It was milky white, not very good, I think. 2. Filled the differential with 30 hd per the manual. Overfilled by a little less than a gallon to take into account the front-loader. Still problems. 3. Bought a pressure guage and dissconnected the front/aux hydraulic line. With the tractor running, raised the rear hydraulics, and opened the front valve (no dar). No flow. 4. I was very surprised, as I moved the control lever back and forth with the front/aux open, by a stream of oil which shot out, just as I was looking at the end of the hose. 5. So, I reconnected the hose and worked with the front loader for about an hour, then parked the tractor. When I came back an hour later, the front hydraulics didn't work, and no jiggling or manipulation of the control valve would get them to work. What gives? Dave M.