Dave, On the fuel tap of your tractor should be a primer. On the intake manifold, on the heater unit, the bit with the heavy wire, there should be a tap with a diesel pipe that leads back to the primer.The cold start sequence should be: Turn on the manifold/heater tap. Hold the heat button for 40 seconds, press the primer twice. Press the starter straight away. The diesel you squirt onto the heater ignits and a flame occurs in the intake manifold which is drawn into the cylinders and ensures that the diesel from the injectors ignites, so starting the engine. This is why you should not use ether and heater on these tractors. When the ether is drawn into the intake manifold and hits the red hot heater element, it will explode with disasterous results. The manifold tap must be turned off once the tractor is running as diesel can be drawn in here causing rough running. Unless you have the diesel burning in the inlet manifold, holding the heater down for two hours will not cause the tractor to start. regards Brian