Fantastic! With regard to starting, the glow plug either works or it doesn't. As yours is getting warm, I would say it is ok. Mine are warm/ fairly hot after about 30 seconds, but never too hot to touch on the outside of the manifold. You can check the primer system by disconnecting the fuel line at the glow plug end and operating the primer button. Hold a light coloured cloth at the end of the pipe to catch the fuel. You may find the pipe is full of sludge or the nozzle is clogged and not spraying properly. REMEMBER diesel injected through the skin under pressure or swallowed can be fatal even in small quantities, so be careful. Resist the urge to use easy start. One final thought. Sometimes when I have struggled to get mine to start, I turn it over for 20 seconds or so, leave it for two or three minutes and try again. It seems to make a difference, though I am not sure why. Perhaps just a little warmth spreading through the head is enough? DaveW