Too easy a problem to find. Be sure the oil level is on Full before you start running down this tree: 1. Take out spark plug after cranking engine over a few times. Is it wet? Then you have fuel going in, which is good. Not wet? We'll get to that. 2. Put thumb over hole. Crank engine. Does thumb go "fwoop" as compression pushes it off hole? Then you needn't pull the head off it just yet. If thumb doesn't go "fwoop," get to pulling head cuz you got blown gasket and/or warped head (most likely), leaky valves (second most likely) or worn rings (you'd know cuz it'd burn oil bad). 3. OK on #2? Then get eye dropper or something like it and dribble a little gas in through plug hole. Short crank engine once to distribute gas, then replace plug and see if it starts or wants to start. Maybe it'll run for a second, then stop. If it does, problem is in carb or fuel delivery system. 4. If it does not start or try hard to do so, and you got the "fwoop" on the thumb compression test, you need to pull flywheel and replace a sheared key. Common problem on Briggs. You should know what's wrong in 15 minutes if you follow this tree.