Bob, first go get a $10 VOM meter at Wally World. It'll save you replacing parts, cuz then you can test them. If the problem is not caused by poor charging/dead battery: Test yer ignition switch in the start and run positions with the wires disconnected. If it is not working in one or both, shoot contact cleaner in it from the back and work it, shoot some more and work that 3 times or so, and test it again. That contact cleaner saves a lot of new switch buying, works for the safety switches, too. If ign. switch OK, take a battery charger, ground it to the engine, and just touch the positive to the starter post for a second. If it turns over, starter is OK. That gets you down to the solenoid or a short/bad connection in the wiring. Check and clean all your connections, including the ones at the battery. Any push-pin connections should be thoroughly inspected. Don't neglect to clean up all the ground connections, too. If the battery is dead or you do not get good charge (should read 14 +/- VDC across battery terminals with engine running): Test the engine charge coils by disconnecting the wire clip and checking ohms across the terminals (continuity). Also, ground one VOM wire to engine and check each of the coil terminals for shorts to ground (should not be any reading). If that's OK, it may be either bad connections (common) or faulty solid state regulator (less common). Clean ALL connections before suspecting the regulator. The full regulator test is outlined in the Kohler Engine Service Manual from your dealer. There are several types of regulator, so I won't go into that here.