Tom Spillers
06-06-2006 18:13:55
Re: Ford 165 - - no spark?? in reply to mike m., 11-18-2000 15:57:24
Been there--done all the routine ignition troubleshooting stuff and more! Talk about being frustrated--@#(%$&@)! But then, I figured out that I was REALLY BEING HAD BY THE PTO SWITCH! In order to save us from ourselves, they installed ignition cutoffs in #1)the seat, #2)the hi-low hydrostat shifter, and #3)the PTO switch. Most everyone makes the LGT's more enjoyable and usable by hot-wire bypass of safeties #1 and #2.... But, who would ever think about #3??? If someone wants to dismount with the PTO running and the blades turning, then he probably shouldn't even be using the equipment...unless he is just stopping to stick his hand up the shute to clear a grass clog??? He can clear anything out of there real,real fast with the blades turning, and it should be his right to do so without interference! ANYWAY, THE FIX is to pull the PTO switch and disconnect the wiring contacts if you can break through the corrosion. Gentle back and forth lifting with a flat blade screwdriver from several directions usually works after a bit. File and scrape the corrosion off of the spade lugs and clean inside the slide-on wire connectors as best you can. Hit switch handle and pivot with some penetrating oil, hit all the backside contacts with a shot of battery corrosion spray, and then reconnect all. It's about a 15 to 20 minute job if you are thorough, and you can most likely get the old switch working with no trouble. If not, try for one of the many used ones being parted out and sold (ebay), or spring for a new one. Hotwiring will do the job temporarily in a pinch. While you're at it, consider giving the same service to the Ignition/Starter switch--It's probably not far behind in the weathering damage. That's really not bad service out of a 20 to 35 year old garden tractor. They are almost bullet proof, and the fixes are usually intuitively obvious--but this one sure had me stumped for more than a few minutes before finally figuring it out from an old KOHLER Engine Rebuild manual ignition schematic and troubleshooting guide!!!