Check yer plug wire first. They go bad quite often. Check yer plug if not new. They can get a carbon track that grounds the spark. Wiring: Yer hot ignition wire from the switch goes to the positive coil terminal, then a wire from the negative terminal goes to the points. The condenser mounts to the point side of the coil. You can take off the wire to the positive terminal, turn on the switch and see if you get 12 VDC between it and ground. If not, problem is in wiring upstream. Sometimes dirty ignition switches cause it. Clean switch with contact cleaner spray. If that's OK, leave switch on and check for voltage at point positive screw to ground. You should get 7-9 volts there, more the better, but not over 9. If no juice, you have a bad coil or wire. Over 9, you have an incorrect coil. Kohlers use a resistor coil, use of a straight 12 VDC coil will burn up yer points. If that's OK, shut off switch, rotate engine til points close, turn on switch and check from the point wire screw to the OPPOSITE POINT ARM. If you do not get a reading, yer points are dirty/not making contact. Correct gap is .020. Many guys use a timing light on them once they are running to set the gap even more accurately. At each step, clean or repair til you get juice to the next step. When yer done, it'll fire.