I notice you rebuilt the carb but if there is rust, sand or other debris in the fuel system it might still have gotten into the carb float bowl. The fix is so sinple it's worth a try. Just take off the air filter and with the engine running take a cloth in a ball (actually, with this small an engine you can use your bare hand), raise the revs as far as you can and then "choke" the carb (fully cover the inlet) till the engine almost dies. Let the revs pick up again and do this again several times. Then see if it will rev up any better. The debris sits at the bottom of the float chamber, but as the fuel flow increases (higher revs) it is sucked up and blocks the main jet. This causes the engine to die back. When the engine revs drop, the debris drops back to the bottom and the engine runs normally again. Since this debris is usually so small the above procedure will suck it thru' the main jet. Often, if there is not too much debris in your tank, repeating this procedure a couple of times will clear it. If it's more severe you will have to clean out the system. It's bit a silly and it's probably not your problem. But it's so easy to check that's it's always worth a try. Let us know what you find.