What type of alternator? External? or a set of windings under the flywheel? Where are you taking the measurement? Have you tried switching to the voltage range in "AC"? If external- Is it truly an alternator, or is it really a generator? (alternator has continuous slip rings in contact with the brushes and often internal diodes. Generator has segmented commutator in contact with the brushes.) One thing to keep in mind is that most AG and most all automotive programs have poor track records in teaching electrical theory and practical basic electronics as used in the auto and AG industry, so don't worry if it did not make sense- They did not know what they teaching themselves more than likely. As for the voltage of 5 volts. Does the tractor seem to operate okay and keep the battery charged? If the battery charges fine, the answer could be that your meter is somewhat at fault. Set your voltmeter to read "AC" volts. Pulsed DC voltage, such as you find with some alternator windings that are under the flywheel, or externals with a high "cut in" speed, are too slow to be read correctly by most multimeters set on "DC". If you disconnect any external connections (in the case of a B&S or Tecumseh alternator where the windings are under the flywheel) you should be able to see 12 to 16 volts across the 2 wires that come out in the pigtail from under the flywheel. If the wrong flywheel was installed, you do not get enough "magnetic flux" (strength) through the alternator windings to produce adequate voltage or current to do much of anything. Some flywheels have several magnets, which are just for the alternator windings on the underside, and some flywheels have just the magnets for the ignition magneto. If the alternator is an external unit, check to make sure it is connected correctly, and swap out the regulator for another one and see if that corrects the situation. If not, bypass regulator, and see what voltage the alternator is capable of putting out. It is a slight possiblity that you have one for 6 volt batteries, in which case you would be hard pressed to get more than 8 volts out of the alternator.