Jim - The rust is forming because you only clean it out once a year. You really need to take the deck off several times over the mowing season and clean out the grass from the underside. That "dried" grass traps moisture up against the underside of the deck, and this is what is causing the rust. I pull my deck once a month, use a plastic scraper and soapy water to clean it off, followed by hosing down to rinse. Once dry, I then spray slip plate (graphite paint) on the underside, about 3 or 4 coats. That aids in future cleanings -- and it's relatively inexpensive (available at most farm supplies or at your Deere dealer). The blades should be sharpened more frequently as well. I sharpen mine once a month, when I have the deck off. It does not take much effort and I use a flat file to do this. Using a grinder is o.k. if you don't get things too hot and lose all the temper. You want to follow the same angle and finish the edge so you have about a 1/64" radius. A razor sharp edge will roll over and become dull more quickly. I simply check the balance by hanging the blades by the center hole, on a nail that sticks out horizontally from one of the studs in my garage. I simply set the blade horizontal, and if it does not dip, it's fairly level. If it does dip, that side needs a little more file action. As far as the 1/2" to 3/4" radius on the trailing edge of your blades, I'd say you got your money's worth out of them. - Dave