Hi, Guys.Sorry for the late response. I just found these postings. I also have a Bobbette. I was aware of Mr. Miller's from another web site. I have mine running and have driven it around. Unfortunately, It looks to have been rolled over at some point. The steering column was snapped off and the steering box damaged. One of the final drives is bent a little. The seat was snapped off. Worst of all, the 2-3 shift fork was broken off. Someone took the broken piece out and tried to run the tractor, allowing the 2-3 slider to engage at the same time as the R-1 gear, breaking several teeth off the 2-3 slider. The front carrier bearing for the slider shaft was also powdered. When all of this occurred, it poked a good size hole through the tranny case, as well. I temporarily removed the 2-3 slider so it will not continue to try to engage and replaced the bearing and temporarily patched the hole in the tranny. The tractor runs and moves great in reverse and first with lots of power. It has brand new tires all around now, but does not get very good traction in the blow sand I have around here (Arizona). I have done some research myself and have a fairly lengthy PR article from a Riverside newspaper from when the tractor debuted. I also have entries from the Riverside phone books from that time with numbers and adresses for Coates and Rexroth, the two companies who manufactured the tractor, as well as some of the individuals involved. I started a web page about the tractor, but have not had much time to work on it. I will try to post some stuff when I have time.