There is no reason you cannot set your posts by hand provided you set them deep enough. You can set the corner posts also provided they are of sufficient diameter and braced properly. Follow the specs of the hi tensile mfg whose products you are using for specs paying particular attention to post diameters, depth, etc. Failure to follow their suggestions could result in your posts coming out of the ground. No waiting period, but tamp the living daylights out of it or you'll have a loose post. Locust makes good posts provided it is not blighted. Post diameter between corners should not be less than 6-8", or as split. Use your biggest unsplit posts for corners, gates, etc. Easiest way to get the bark off is to use a sharp axe or hatchet and remove the bark where you plan to drive your fence staples, let the remainder above ground dry and it will peel off easily so long as your wire is not touching and thus holding it on. It is very important to remove the bark all the way around the post for the portion that is to be below ground. I've done it both ways and was taught how to hand set by my grandfather who hand set utility poles for the local electric utility and I prefer hand set posts to those driven.