Hugh,Let me start by saying that my interest in old plows began when I recently bought a # 8 Little Genius plow. It needs some repair so I started monitoring the Implement Alley discussion board for information and leads for parts. This past weekend I found this 735 page parts book ( No. 84-PO Parts Catalog McCarmick-Deering)which I mentioned in a earlier post. Unfortunatly, all the parts are listed as PO's rather than todays parts numbers. Most PO's match the numbers on the patrs themselves but most implement dealers have a different ID system. What is interesting is all of the different plows listed. For instance, this is how the index reads: Little Genius Tractor Plows Nos. 2,3,4,5 and 7. Little Genius Tractor Plow No. 8. Little Genius Rice Plow No 8. Little Genius Tractor Plow No. 8, Sulky and Gang, 18". Little Genius Tractor Plow Nos. 10 and 10L. Little Genius Tractor Plow No. 11. Little Genius Tractor Plow No. 12. Little Wonder Tractor Plow, Nos 1 and 2. Two Way Tractor Plow, No. 37. Farmall Two-Way Plow, No. 86. Farmall Two-Way Tractor Plows Nos. 88, N88 and 88 for F-30. Farmall Two-Way Tractor Plow, No. 89. Farmall Tractor Plow, No. 90. Two-Way Plows Nos. 188 and N188. Orchard Vineyard Plows, Nos. 23 and 24. Subsoiler Plow, No. 1 Grub Breaker Engine Plow. 24 inch.In addition, this Parts catalog has a pictures and parts for implements such as Walking Plows, Farmall Middle Busters, Ridge Busters, Furrowers, and Border Markers. Another section deals with Disk and Peg harrows. The Catalog is very informative BUT it is not helping me find the parts I need.