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Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there?

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01-26-2000 13:28:36

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I have some questions about the IH 400 series.

How did they/do they run... ie: are they reliable? Would you recommend one today?

Was there a tractor mounted monitor? Or was this an option? I have heard that there used to be wee whistles at the end of the tubes that sounded if they became plugged?

I suspect like most IH equipment, parts are avaiable from the local CASEIH dealer yet? ...I hope...!

Just curious, any info. is of course more than I have now!

Thank you very kindly!

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01-27-2000 02:53:47

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 Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to mb, 01-26-2000 13:28:36  
Replace the accra-plant points on the openers. Just guessing that it has them. Replace the rubber tires that press the seeds out of the drum and mmake sure the alignment is right. Replace the rubber drum seal and check that the drum is perfectly round. Check the drum drive shaft for sloppy fit both up and down and fore and aft play. Like the previous post check the hopper for air leaks. It needs about 7 oz. of pressure to work.

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Chad Wink

01-27-2000 01:25:46

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 Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to mb, 01-26-2000 13:28:36  
I would recomend cutting it up for old iron. Thats about what its worth. While the later blow planters where better, the 400 just blows!

I really like the depth, some just under the top, some 4-5 inches deep, etc etc.

Buy yourselrf a JD 7000, or a White or something worth having. After all it is just about the most important pice of equipment there is.

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07-27-2002 13:43:19

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 Re: Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to Chad Wink, 01-27-2000 01:25:46  
Ineed used sorgum seed drum for IH 400 planter.

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Gerald J.

01-26-2000 18:37:28

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 Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to mb, 01-26-2000 13:28:36  
I have two. A 6 row 30 for working and a 4 row wide for spare parts. The first year or two planting with the 6 row 30, I'd have stopped and built a bonfire fire around, if there had been enough material to burn. It and I get along a lot better now. I was trying to plant small flats and it doubled them up to the point that I'd run out of seed every time. And it would plug up the feed tube between the seed hopper and the drum. First thing was to change to medium or large ROUND seed and a new brush. It doesn't plant doubles now. The second thing was to fix the leaks around the seed tank. Air leaks there were more than the air tube could supply. Most were where the top and bottom join at a flanged joint.

Yes, it bunches up the seed with irregular spacings. Since I run a low fertility operation, I just plant fairly thick (28,000 per acre last year) and let the variable ear fill take care of the variable spacing. I guarantee that the ears won't fill at that plant density so I don't loose yield so much when a plant is relatively isolated and has more area to get nutrients and would fill the ear to the end.

Its important each time its used to clean the pipes thoroughly, last year that meant running a wire through each and pulling a swab through.

I tried the monitor the first year, it didn't work, and I've not taken the effort to fix up the wiring and clean the sensors. I did mount a truck mirror on the planter so I can look back and see the rising side of the drum turning and filled with seed.

I also mounted the off center wheel and flag to show the seed wheels on the drum but don't remember to look at it. Maybe I should move it to the other side so its on the same side as the mirror. I had to replant some last year when I found I'd made a pass or two across the field with the seed wheels off the drum. When the corn came up there was corn from both passes.

Mine is belt drive, 540 PTO. I'll need to replace bearings and belts sometime. Parts like that I'll buy new from CIH or wherever I can find them, other parts I'll filch from the spare. I paid $190 at a consignment auction for the 6 row, essentially ready to plant except for monitor, and $50 for the parts planter. I've already made the 6 row a 4 support wheel planter for wet ground because I planted it once a year in wet spots, but it wasn't wet last spring.

Last year out of three sacks of seed corn, I had less than a gallon left after finishing planting, about the same after 6 sacks of beans. Now that I fixed the air leaks on the seed tank, its doing quite well.

My JD4020 gets long just fine with the single acting cylinders for lift and for markers. My MF-135 (and it was a grunt to pull with the 135) didn't handle the hydraulics so well so I put in an extra valve that was designed for single acting cylinders and locked the tractor hydraulics in the on position to feed the external valve. That worked.

I'm not interested in that bonfire now.

Gerald J.

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01-27-2000 16:29:13

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 Re: Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to Gerald J., 01-26-2000 18:37:28  
Thanks for the info fellas!

From what it sounds like, a 400 is like a lot of other equipment... some guys don't mind them.... others won't touch them with a ten foot, re-enforced pole! From what I had read 400's sounded like the "cats wiskers"! Perhaps the 800 Early Risers were better....

Thanks again... if anyone else has another opinion, I'd be more than happy to hear it!

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01-27-2000 17:29:01

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 Re: Re: Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to mb, 01-27-2000 16:29:13  
I have never owned a 800 but I have been told by many that they were not any good.been told 400s were twice the machine the 800 was,also heard 800 had alot more pump problems.Good thing is price of 400 is down to about nothing you could pick up a couple just hide um from the wife.

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01-27-2000 19:02:40

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to highboyford, 01-27-2000 17:29:01  
Geez... a couple of things on my side if I were to find a 400! They're cheap.... and NO wife to hide them from!!! HA!

WOW... 800's were considered worse eh? I did not realize that... Guess that goes to show you cannot believe everything you read!

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Gerald J.

01-27-2000 19:51:18

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to mb, 01-27-2000 19:02:40  
800 and 950 have a few things I'd like in the 400. The seed drums are on the front so you can see them move from the tractor without mirrors. The seed tanks have a more tapered bottom and feed straight down instead of at an angle so they ought to feed better (though since I fixed the air leaks in the seed tank my 400 hasn't have a feed problem). The 800 will no till. My 400 will open but not close in ground that hasn't been cultivated. Corn doesn't come up there. The air pressure equalizing pipes between the drums and the seed tanks are much larger in the 800. But the interest on paying for an 800 will pay for both my working and my parts 400.

Compared to any plate planter that came before the 400, the 400 is all new and ingenious.

Gerald J.

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01-27-2000 20:56:25

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to Gerald J., 01-27-2000 19:51:18  
Really I like playing with the different equipment Gerald and I now run just about same acres as you do.It is just enough to make you happy you dont have another 3000 to do (but of course if we had that much to do we would have new $20,000 planters too I guess).But my point is I am going to try and buy a 540 oliver plate planter now the good thing is they bring less than scrap price-bad thing is they are a plate planter.I have a book that shows what John Deere plates fit in the Oliver boxes so at least the plates should not be a problem.Right now I own a 1240 JD that is wide row plateless but if you have ever had one you know how the fingers like to collect water during winter and rust, it has been indoors for two years now without being used,I may have to get it in shape because the combine I bought has a widehead and my 105 JD needs to much work(I have both heads for it)belts are shot and prices are too much for belts to fix up two combines.(I fixed the MM 4296 to do beans last year)

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Gerald J.

01-28-2000 07:48:45

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to highboyford, 01-27-2000 20:56:25  
Yes, I do get momentarily jealous when I see the next 80 planted in the time I plant a couple acres, but then I reflect that my total equipment outlay won't pay a month's interest on his loans. Then I'm happy again. And I think I made more money total that he did last year on 6000 acres because of my low input costs.

Gerald J.

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01-27-2000 15:32:47

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 Re: Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to Gerald J., 01-26-2000 18:37:28  
Lol Gerald J.nothing like running a machine for the first time to learn how to cuss.I always used a 1240 Jd wide row.but bought some land and at the time neighbor only had a 6 row head for his combine(fixed that problem bought own)so I bought the 400.Mine was mint, paint even looked new came with couple different drums and whole raft of sprockets.Anyway first time out forgot to open little rubber band for the door of the tank(after i already tested planter in lane to see if it was working)Than had to clean wet beans out of tubes couldnt figure out how corn got by in test than plugged when I tried to plant.Marker arms were little light and tended to raise up at first,real fun trying to plant straight.By the way you must plant less than 10 acres of corn judgeing by how much seed you used.

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Gerald J.

01-27-2000 16:33:01

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 Re: Re: Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to Highboyford, 01-27-2000 15:32:47  
Yes, 8 acres of corn, 4 of beans. Cheap on chemicals. I shouldn't wear this planter out the rest of the way in my lifetime.

I check it lifted with the blower running by turning the drum by hand and watching for seed in each row. Before that I just check for an air flow to each row unit. If there's not a lot of air, then I get out the wire and swab even before I put in the seed. In the field with the up side running full, I check the down side of the drum for being empty. I presume the seed is being planted if the upside is full and the down side is empty. So far the field looks that way too.

Gerald J.

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01-27-2000 03:02:41

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 Re: Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to Gerald J., 01-26-2000 18:37:28  
My thinking is that med. or large rd. seed works better in these also.

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01-26-2000 17:11:07

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 Re: Any IH 400 CYCLO PLANTER owners/operators out there? in reply to mb, 01-26-2000 13:28:36  
I have a 6 row 30" cyco planter without fertilzer boxes(bought that way)It is a good planter and does a fine job.But if you compare to a John deere they both will plant the same population but the I.H puts it in bunches of twos and threes where the deere puts the kernals evenly spaced.This does not bother me but it does drive some people nuts.The 400 are starting to drop in price so we just bought a 8-row cheap for parts, but I gave $1500 6 years ago and have not had any problems with the 6 row.It did come with a monitor but some lucky bloke decided he needed it more than I did real pain without one planning on getting another.You can get by without one as long as you keep a eye on your seed levels.Also mine is a hydraulic pump ran on 1000 pto but i have used it with a super 88 oliver you just need to keep a eye on the pressure.Single cylinder to raise and lower is a pain with the olivers too might be alot bettor system behind I.H or I could but the check valve for the oliver system.

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