Some days it just does not go as planned. Well as a matter of that's most days .Been struggling all June to get a good cutting of hay up. Was hoping this would be the weekend. Last week I cut 200 bales and got a down pour that ruined them good. This week I had about 500 cut. I missed the scattered showers Thurs and Friday. Maybe this would be my week. Beautiful start to the day perfect day for baling hay. Got up there and the hay looked great!!! Perfect shape. I hook up the rake and start raking. I notice way off in the distance a black cloud. Not to worry gona miss me. As I rake I notice it start heading my way and getting closer. Almost like it noticed me hook up the rake.I decide to just rake a few rows and bale them just in case. I mean just as soon as I hook up the baler and grease it up. I pull up to the wind row and its starts to rain. Maybe I will still get lucky and just get a few drops and can get at it in a few minutes. Well she just opens up like pouring a bucket. Then the lightning starts. Then I notice the hail. Oh well might as well go work on my fence. Good thing I didn't sell the round baler. I guess I need it. Notice the last photo. 1 mile from my field. Dry as a bone. haying sure is fun some times.  Run to the truck its starting to come down good now.
 Funny how that grass smells as you nice hay get wet.
 Dont know if you can see it. There is hail on my hood.
 That's not even funny. Dry as a bone 1 mi from the field.