: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Can't figure out how bracket fits frame of IH450. The loader is a Farmhand Model --11C, serial number 28314. It looks simple and the loader supposedly came off a M Farmall, but I sure haven't discovered anyway that it fits. Anybody got one? : : : : : Leo: If the loader is the model I'm thinking of. the masts go on the front of the rear axle of your tractor, not the side frames . There are brace rods that run from the masts forward and down to the side frames. The loader that Ive got a brochure for shows a pto hydraulic pump, remote oil tank, arched brace over the top of the masts and the loader will lift WAY up. Very long boom with only a short kick down to the bucket mount. If any of this helps, good luck. Hope I'm not steering you wrong. Tom : : : : Sounds like mine, but the brace brackets look like they won't fit. Does your information show any close-ups? And thanks for responding. Leo. : : : :Leo. Me again. I'm looking at a picture of a Farmhand loader on a Farmall 460. Should be close to yours. The side braces mount on the masts about 3 inches below the boom pins on the inside of the mast uprights. Then they go forward and down on about a 45 degree angle and bolt to a small plate on the tractor side frame just about underneath the gemerator on the left side. They look like they are not much more than about 11/2 inch angle iron with a piece off each end to bolt to a flat surface. Brochure says this thing will lift 3500 lbs 17 feet high. It also show pictures of them on Farmall M's. Must have been a lot of clutch work.Once again, good luck. Maybe the braces have definite left side and right side orientations? Tom. : : Thanks Tom. This loader also had been on a JD4020 said one of the previous owners. He also said he had some brackets for the JD that didn't get with the loader (supposedly then put on the M Farmall). It may be those old brackets are the ones I need. Mine are 3/8 thick flats about 4 x 8 with an offset of 1/2 inch across middle of short way. Two bolt holts for 1/2 bolts and on othe offset hald is a 3/4 long bushing welded on and has a hole for a 3/4 to 7/8 bolt. Thanks . This loader has a 8 foot bucket that appears to be fitted around a narrower dozer like piece and looks like the bucket could be quick disconnected from center piece. 17 feet, huh. Since this is a narrow front tractor I think I will be nervouse on anything over 17 inches off the ground. Leo : : Leo, Once again in the Omigod department for loaders, I understand and commend you on being careful with it. Too many people have gotten killed with this stuff to fool around. I'm the guy who loaded manure for years with a narrow front D17 Allis with an 8 foot snow bucket because it was so sloppy. My brother came along wanted to help and had the thing on its side in 2 minutes flat. Nobody hurt thank the Lord. Put a wide axle under it pronto. My brother then went West on vacation, met a great lady from near Riding Mountain, and has a picture of himself stacking loose hay with an 806 Farmall with a John Deere 52 stacker on it. 1500 lbs of hay at 28 feet! Told he was either totally stupid or totally in love to be doing that just to impress her old man. Then again we've all done dopey stuff like that. Tom Tom, got a machine shop to slot a couple of the holes and got it to work-sort of. I took off tank and valves and used the "Hydra-Touch" system on the Farmall. Glacially quick, it is. I think I will take up smoking again while waiting for response. Also, bucket get up only about 6 feet and then hesitate, bobs and the hydraulic system moans, groans and generally sounds like it cavitating at the pump. I have filled the only reservoir I can find to the max with oil. These are double-acting cylinders and should be returning displaced oil to the sump. Maybe there is still air in the system. It ought to move snow. Tried it on a pile of dirt. Much bucking and tearing up the sod with the the water filled wheels. Thanks for your help. Leo