I was in a similiar situation last year with a new house. I rented a skid steer loader with an attachment called a Harley Power Rake. The rake is put on where the bucket goes. The rake was a heavy-duty drum with spike on it (about the diameter of my thumb. The drum would rotate and loosen up the soil and it could be set at an angle and all of the rocks (which I had tons of) would be left in a windrow (just like a hay rake). When that was done there was a different setting to put the rake on to get a very smooth grade. It worked GREAT!! I did this on about 1 1/2 acres and this was the first time I operated a skid steer. It took some getting used to but it was also fun. Careful around the house and other objects until you get the feel for it. This wasn't exactly what you asked but it worked for me. The rental of the machine and attachment for one day (which is all I needed) was about $300 - $350 (I can't remember exactly). Prior to doing this I put lime on it because I knew from the farmer who farmed the remaining portion of the corn field that the pH needed adjusting. You should consider getting a soil test from your Extension agent, telling them what you are going to do and they will give you application rates of lime and fertilizer. The cost is nominal ($5). I did this last spring and during the summer we were in a severe drought but I managed to get it in earlier enough to where I got a good stand of grass. I am really pleased with my yard. This year I sprayed it with 2-4-D which kills just about everything (broadleaves, clover, dandelions, etc) except the grass. One gallon costs $20 and I used half of it. It is mixed with water, I have a 25 gallon pull-behind sprayer for my tractor. When I seeded I lightly put down some 10-10-10 fertilizer but because of the drought I didn't put any after later on because I didn't want to burn it so it isn't a dark green, it needs some food. This past weekend I put down some 16-8-8 fertilizer (no weed killer as the weeds are dead) so I'm looking forward to the next rain to see how well it does. This is the first time I've done this so I'm not an expert but I must say I am very pleased with the results. Hope this hopes and if you need anything else let me know.