The N series is known for being light up front, and has a tendency to want to flip over backwards & kill the driver. Please be carefull when doing things like post pulling. Always hook up properly to the hitch only. And so on. Back blades are much more versitle, while box blades are better at moving dirt from point a to point b. Depends what your use(s) are going to be. Tillers require a slow forward speed. I think the N series moves pretty fast, even in low gear, to successfully use a tiller. Unless you have a Sherman tranny or the like, but these often slow the pto speed as well, defeating a tiller anyhow. Many farm supply stores carry N brush guards, such as CT (Quality, or whatever name they go by now). All this from a guy who never drove an N tractor, so take with a grain of salt & hope for good advise from others... ;) --->Paul