Okey-dokey, we got a little terminology problem is all. What you call a drawbar that goes in your three point is what I call a tool bar. To me, a draw bar is something permanently attached to the tractor, usually bolted underneath the rear end, and may swing a few degrees left or right, and can be pinned in place so as not to swing. Don't have a good picture handy, hope that explaination works for ya. You COULD just screw the ball through the centermost hole on the drawbar that goes into the three point, and the action of clamping the trailer hitch onto it would keep the drawbar from rotating much. I'd have reservations about pulling very much weight though, as I'd be afraid the ball would pull out of the trailer hitch. It would be best if you could secure the drawbar somehow so it didn't rotate when hauling the trailer. The advantage of having it hooked to the three point is that you can raise the front of the trailer and get a little dumping action. For heavy loads, I'd recommend hooking it to the permanent drawbar, if your tractor has one. I can also arrange a picture of a hitch I built to go on the three point of my John Deere 750 that uses the top link of the three point to keep the ball from rotating. Email me if you want a picture of it with rough dimensions.