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Equipment needed for baling hay?

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Bama Binder

01-03-2001 15:04:10

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I am looking at buying 25 acres of land that the current owner has been using to produce hay. He hires all work done. I'm trying to figure out if I can reasonably (from a cost perspective) produce hay (square bales) and sell it at a price to defray the payments on the place.

First, I currently own a Farmall Super H (27 horses at the drawbar)and would like to use it to start with if possible without going bigger. So all the other equipment I get would be tailored around the Super H.

I would like to ask for suggestions about what equipment I would need at a minimum. I know very little about the process, but so far I plan to buy a sickle mower, tedder, hay rake, and baler. I would like to know of specific models that people have had good results with and a general guestimate of price. And if anyone has any better suggestions or some references about producing hay, I'd love to hear about them.

Thanks in advance...BB

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01-04-2001 18:39:46

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 Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Bama Binder, 01-03-2001 15:04:10  
Set youself a budget for buying your equipment,I have a $500 rake, a $500 square baler, a $4500 round baler, a $6000 tractor and a brand new $3600 New Idea 9' sickle mower. My equipment is mostly paid for and could probably get my money back on most of my stuff except my mower. I have about the same number of acres and believe me you will not make $15000 in a year selling hay no matter how many yuppies you find as customers! Nodody has mentioned the high dollar fertilizer and lime that you need for horse quality hay, check into it. I seem to have made more custom baling for a neighbor than I did on my own hay. You can make this work for you if and only if you really enjoy doing this kind of work, it is hard , but I do like it and it will take a few seasons to get the bugs worked out and some decent customers, just my thoughts Johnny in TX.

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Big Jim

01-04-2001 13:51:37

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 Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Bama Binder, 01-03-2001 15:04:10  
Bama Binder,
I agree with the others. You can get older hay equipment cheap in most areas as big acreage farmers don't want to mess with it. Probably under $1000 for everything. John Deere and New Holland are good brands for a square baler. New Holland makes an excellent rake, although there are some other decent brands also. You can get an old 7' trailer mower cheap. JD, NH, IH, and New Idea are all good brands for these.

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Jim H.

01-04-2001 10:18:26

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 Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Bama Binder, 01-03-2001 15:04:10  
I agree equipment 1000 dollars and grow stuff that horsepeople will pay top dollar for. Next question is- Do you have time to stop your life for four days at a time to cut, crimp, rake, bale and stack?

I tried running 16 acres of hay two years ago as well as being a supervisor to 6 people on the job. Did not work out well at all. Had to have the neighbor come in and custom finish it for me. Now I only make 3 acres for my animals and let a full-time farmer deal with the rest. Each operation only takes me a couple of hours max and things usually go OK. Doesn't make land payments but helps defrays the property tax on the whole farm. I have a couple of arces I plow up and plant for fun as well.

Best wishes, Jim

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steve in pa

01-04-2001 07:44:33

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 Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Bama Binder, 01-03-2001 15:04:10  
Here in central pa old square bail equipment goes cheap as most serious farmers round bail. I have a 14T J.D. baler old J.D. rake, J.D. #9 mower, and a couple old home built flat wagons. Less than $1000.00 invested in all. I use a John Deere 60 to
Mow and pull the baler with a Farmall 450.

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01-03-2001 17:39:20

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 Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Bama Binder, 01-03-2001 15:04:10  
I'm trying to figure out where you live that 25 acres of hay will make payments on said land?? Hay sells cheap! Land sells high! Around here with 25 acres you'd be lucky to pay for the old equipment you need to buy. Robert

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01-03-2001 17:53:22

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 Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Robert , 01-03-2001 17:39:20  
Don't know what it's like where Bama Binder is, but here in New Jersey, we can get 200 bales per acre (two cuttings of grass mix on the good ground) and get $3.00 a bale for it. So, 25 acres x 200 bales x $3.00 = $15,000. That would pay for the equipment, but still wouldn't pay for the land in this area.

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01-03-2001 18:07:11

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 Re: Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Tim(nj), 01-03-2001 17:53:22  
Thats 5 ton an acre in 50 lb bales. $120.00 a ton, how many ton can you sell for me?

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01-03-2001 19:50:51

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Duke, 01-03-2001 18:07:11  
It sounds about right to me on pricing Duke.

Where I am I can get a 1st cut in Mar, then I get 3 more cuttings most years.

The 1st and last cuts are about 100-125 bales per acre, the 2nd and 3rd cuts run 125-175, and my bales go more around 65 to 70 lbs instead of 50.

When I get my last cut off the land I put out winter wheat, ryegrass, and arrowleaf clover for my winter forage and don't even feed out hay to the critters most years.

Picked up in the field here I get $2.50 if I don't have to touch it. If it goes into my barns it goes up to $4. If these yuppies want it delivered it's $4.75 put in their barn.

We went over 100 days without a rain this last year and that severely cramped my hay season, but there's always next year in farming I guess.

I bale and cut every ounce of hay here (60+ acres) with a Super Dexta Ford and a 6' Howse bushhog with the left side cut out, I rake and bale it with a E280 Hinomoto 26hp, a Sittrex rake I gave $200 for and bale with S69 NH Super hayliners, one with wire tie and one with twine.

It aint that hard to sell yuppies hay for top dollar. Once you act like you aint interested in their money or stupid stories about helping his daddy put up a bale of hay one time when he was 15 yrs old he will pay whatever you want for the hay.

The part that gets a confused look out of them yuppie hay buyers is when you spit Skoal on their foot and tell them you can honor his plastic money.

If you price your hay too cheap them yuppies don't want it because it aint good enough for that high bred steed they have.

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Alan Farley

01-04-2001 09:34:17

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Burrhead, 01-03-2001 19:50:51  
I know what you mean Burrhead,yuppies that moved from the city that live around here pay $5 a bale for "horse quality" alfalfa. Heck, I can sell straw bales for $2-3. They don't even know how to pick up a bale the right way. I can charge 50 cents a bale delivered and stacked in their so called "barn". They want it delivered because it's too hard of work for them and they wouldn't dare the risk of getting their new truck scrached.
Going to start selling round bales here at the end of the month. Pretty good alfalfa/clover this year, 4 good cutings.

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01-04-2001 17:16:50

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Alan Farley, 01-04-2001 09:34:17  
10-4 on having a good year.

You're right them yuppies around here either have a Toyota SUV or a Z71 Chibbie.

I guess they must need the 4WD to get over the Trinity River bridge on I-10 when they're headed to Houston to go snow sledding cause they danged sho aint gonna haul nuthin but a golf bag in it anyhows.

I watched a yuppie spend over $900 for a little lightweight utility trailer and a reciever hitch for his Z71 so he can haul his golf cart around on Sat mornings.

I asked that yuppie why would he give $300 for a reciever hitch when he already has a 2" chrome ball in his bumper.

He said you must have a reciever hitch to pull a golf cart because the factory Chibbie bumper does'nt ride the cart smooth enough and does'nt have any brakes on it.

I went over and looked at his new trailer and hitch. The hitch was mounted right to the rails just like everybody else's, and the trailer did'nt have a sign of a brake on it.

When it got that far along I just said "I'll Swanee" and went right on back in the store.

I wish I would have had a dip in my lip right then, I sho did want to spit snuff on his white tennis shoes.

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01-07-2001 14:32:24

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Burrhead, 01-04-2001 17:16:50  
There is a shortage of yuppies in this part of the country. I won't say where I am or they'll start moving in, so far the weather does alot to keep them and the rest of the weaklings out of here. It didn't get above 0 this dec.
They have driven the price of 2 cyl out of reach but soon I will make a few bucks when I unload my beaters

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Bama Binder

01-03-2001 19:14:25

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Duke, 01-03-2001 18:07:11  
Well...in Alabama the land is a bit cheaper than other areas...actually I can swing the payments without the hay baling, but 15K would just about make the make the payments for a year for the land, a pretty decent house and 4 stall barn. Frankly, if I can pay for the equipment in 1 year it is still to my benefit.

So...even though it it isn't making anybody rich, every bit helps...anyway..thanks for all the help...BB

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01-04-2001 15:45:49

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Bama Binder, 01-03-2001 19:14:25  
Hay needs attention when it is ready, so be sure you paid attention to the guy that asked if you had time to give for this. Hay (alfalfa) that is ready to bale at 11:00 am worth $4.00 a bale will be worth $2.50 if you wait until 5:00pm to bale....

25 acres can be a lot of hay, do you have shed room, and enough hands to move it all? Storing $4.00 hay outside makes it $.75 hay real quick. Finding people to help can be difficult, and stressful on your insurance agent. :)

When you don't have any hay to make (too dry, too wet to ever bale) people will be paying top dollar. When you have lots of hay, no one will want it for $1.50 delivered. Be aware of those cycles, before you depend on an automatic $15,000 a year.

Find a market. Do people raise horses aroud you? Are there a lot of weekend, 10 acre farms? For the wet miserable moldy hay, does anyone raise cattle around you? Or does the highway buy it for multch? You'll have to bale the crap off your field, but you'll only get 50 - 75 cents a bale for that. But it's better than burning it, might as well find a market.

Does a Super H have live pto? It's much more fun running a mower & a baler with live pto, but it can be done without. Just mentioning it. If this turns out successful, you will probably want a little bigger tractor down the road. Also, how will you maintain your hay fields? They need reseeding and fertilizer every now and then. Around here hay is really 'alfalfa' but you might be growing grass hay, don't know.

Well, that is enough from me! Those are the realities. Don't want to scare you away.


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01-05-2001 15:47:07

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to paul, 01-04-2001 15:45:49  
You forgot about libality insurance. I know a guy here that was sued by one of those "yuppies" for $25,000.00 cause his horse died. This yuppie bought all of his hay from this guy, and his horse was worth a fortune once it croaked!! Because this guy didn't have insurance, it did end up costing him thousands before it was all over!! It's all so been my expierence that horse people are the hardest to get $$$ out of too. Robert

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01-05-2001 18:14:02

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Robert, 01-05-2001 15:47:07  
Yeah they got all kinds of money but are still tight *$&#'s. They don't want to pay anybody what the person who is selling the hay is worth.

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Bama Binder

01-04-2001 18:44:20

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to paul, 01-04-2001 15:45:49  
My wife can't agree more...the first thind she asked was how much time it would take and I didn't have a good answer...

The info you have given me confirms some of my biggest concerns...lack of time and lack of storage...

Sooo...it looks like it is possible...just not easy. I wouldn't count on dollar #1 for at least 2 years...there is a market here, and a fair number of yuppie horse owners and quite a few cattle, but from what I gather, the best way to make money is to grow quality hay and store it for when all other supplies have vanished...easy to understand...hard to do.

That leaves the second alternative and that is to plant and fertilize and let a bigger operation cut and bale with me gitting a small amount of money in exchange.

I guess the real bottom line is I was a country boy growing up and moved to the city...now it is time to move back. I may just grow a really big garden with my Farmall Cub...Thanks for the help guys!!

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01-03-2001 17:49:49

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 Re: Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Robert , 01-03-2001 17:39:20  
Where are you from, around here, hay is explensive. Especially around the end of january, you could make a fair go of it, with 25 acres....

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01-03-2001 16:29:55

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 Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Bama Binder, 01-03-2001 15:04:10  
I started out baling hay with a Case 311, JD model 37 sickle mower, farmhand 5 wheel hayrake, and IH model 46 baler. Paid less than $500 for everything total except the tractor. I later upgraded to a new idea mower, and condition for another $25, prior to the baler dying at which point I sold all my hay equipment. Like the other post said the big thing is get equipment you can get parts for, and keep your windrows thin so they dry better. I don't recall if the H has live PTO, but it is really nice when baling so if you get into some thick stuff you can push the clutch in while the baler catches up. The best and leastexpensive way to get the equipment is to hit farm auctions. Lot less expensive than buying from dealers.

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01-03-2001 15:45:40

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 Re: Equipment needed for baling hay? in reply to Bama Binder, 01-03-2001 15:04:10  
You can get by without a tedder. We have never had one and still produce good quality hay. We mow it with a disc mower (not a mo-co), let it dry, rake it with a Ford basket rake, then bale it up.

I would say a 7' sickle mower would be about right for you. Can get those pretty cheap.

Do yourself a favor and get a good NH basket rake. They are the best by far and since you will be square baling windrow size is very important for a good final bale. They will cost anywhere from $500 to $2200.

Take a look at older JD, NH, and maybe even Massy balers. Stay away from any IH baler. I have no clue as to what they will cost. Depends on location and condition.

With square bales you will also need some hayracks. Try and pick up a few on auction, I usually see them go for under $800 for a good one. You can also buy just a gear and build your own rack on top of it.

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