What kind of tandem hitch do you have?? Is it store bought or did you build it yourself?? I would like to get one of those kind that you have because I can not rotovate and bushhog at the same time. Does your bushhog have a herbicide sprayer boom on it??? Please tell us what keeps the brush from growing back???? When you are pulling the rotovater and the bushhog do you charge double or do you have a pre-set flat rate???? You said the brush dies, and then you said it comes back. What do you suppose makes it do that??? I never heard of dead brush coming back. I would have thought that dead brush would be sticks and just rot away. Do you collect the sticks and mulch them?? Please share your insight into this matter with us. What horse power is your tractor? and do you have ROPS?? I have a Super Cub Farmall. I think it is a 12 horse power. My Cub is very strong and versitile, but it's not a Versitile, it's Cub Farmall. Do you think the Super Cub Farmall would pull the rotovater/bushhog tandem plow like your tractor does?? I don't have power steering. Do you really need power steering with that much weight on the rear maybe the frontend will be light enough to turn easily anyway. Thank you for any info you can share with us. None of us here at the feedstore ever heard of the rotovater/bushhog tandem hitchup. I would never say that you are telling us a fib, but would you please post a picture of the hitch??? We don't even know which one to hitch in front or back so any help will be appreciated greatly. Thanks alot-Bertha