Boo: I have been gardening with a Farmall 140 for about 28 years. A 140 is the equivalent version of the Super A. This tractor was designed to be a 1 row general farming tractor. I would suggest that you abandon your search for a two row lay-off plow and instead, concentrate on locating a set of one row cultivators. You would also need a one row lay-off plow. This would enable you to lay off your rows in a straight and uniformly spaced manner. The cultivators, which are composed of 4 springloaded feet (with plows attached) fit under the belly of the tractor. The operator is sitting directly above the row so that he can abserve his work as he proceeds to cultivate. With proper setting, one is able plow crops that are 2-3 inches high. You would also need the rear cultivator feet that run in the tracks of your rear wheels. In this way you leave no compacted soil. Your row width is governed by the width of your front wheels. In my case, it is about 42 inches. You can then utilize your 3 point hitch for land preparation. The tractor will pull a 1 bottom mouldboard plow and a disc harrow. Keep in mind that the Super A is a low horsepower tractor and will not handle implements that were intended for larger tractors. A cultivator group for the Super A should be relatively easy to find. If I have confused you, or if you need further info, pleas feel free to Email me direct. Vernon Holt