I'm in Northern California.. not Carolina ! ...about 1/4 mile from the Pacific Ocean and 50 miles South of the Oregon border... and 3,000 miles (give or take 500) from Alabama.
Now you have me curious about that bog harrow.. I'll have to go out there and look at
that mfg's id welded into the frame.
If it doesn't rain too much this week I might drag it up the hillside and see if anything still turns...
He used to grow beets on that NE 20.. that he chopped and mixed with silage.. but he gave up on dairying in the early 60's... so that disk has been parked since then.
I'm not sure why he left it there in the first place... possibly just never got around to dragging it back in... he left it in a bad spot,
I'll have to pull it up the hill with a chain.
At that time I recall he had a Ferguson 35 and had had just (proudly) acquired a Ferguson that had 'Big 40' emblazoned on the hood. I was just a little s_it back then and fondly recall sitting his lap as I got to 'drive' the new tractor.
(well I got to steer anyway)
best regards
-- bbott