The problem with just offering it for sale: You'll only get rid of 1/2, the rest no one will buy. Someone is going to 'steal' a few items from her, as she doesn't know what they are worth. Five years from now, some inlaw or relative is going to throw a stink, "I wanted such & such, but you sold it..." or, "You gave away that $1000 item for $10, blah blah blah...." With an auction, if the relative wants it, they can buy it. If 2 relatives want it, they can hagle it out to the one with the most money, but the current owner isn't involved... If there is some piece of junk that is worth $1000, most likely it will get bid up to near that at a public auction, she won't be ripped off. Almost all items get sold at auction and carted off, so the crap that really is only worth $1.00 will be hauled away, she won't be stuck with it. Of course, the auctioneer gets a cut, & that can add up. But, often brings in more money than a private sale, because he advertises, anf you don't give something valuable away for $5. If this is a small amount of goods, the consignment sale is a good idea - be sure to get the stuff listed EARLY, so it gets on all the sales fliers & draws the people that are looking for this stuff. --->Paul