I'm still learning, but I'll give you my experience for what it is worth. Bought a 19 acre farm several years ago; pastures had all been 'let go' and weeds, brush, brambles were rampant. I've been bushhogging much of it for about 3 years, and have seen improvement, but there is still lots of weeds...not exactly prime pasture, but better than what is was when let go. I started haying off some of it last year, and those fields have improved slightly, but not too much difference that I can see. I let my neighbor pasture his cows on one field over the winter and early spring, and the difference is amazing! Virtually no weeds (well, lots fewer anyway) and the grass is growing back better and stronger than ever before. So my bottom line is: not too much difference between haying and bushog; lots of difference between bushog and pasturing, as long as you don't exceed the land's carrying capacity. good luck, Tom