Plow, disk, harrow (aka drag), seed, harrow. That should do it all for you. There are other fancy things you can get, culti-packers and so on & on, but that's up to you. The above, with the right timing & nice rains, will give you a pretty good hayfield. The drag helps level the ground nice & fine. The plow rips up that old packed weedy stuff. The disk chops it back down again so you can drag it & make it nice & level again. About the only question is the kind of seeder you get. I have only used an older grain drill with a grass seed attachment, make a nice even stand of oats, wheat, etc. and meters out the alfalfa & clover that I plant. I hear the broadcast seeders work too, a little less perfect, but for grass type seed isn't so terribly important. Anyhow, I have no experience, so can't say. Are you going to fertilize at all? Hire from the local fert dealer, or??? On small horse plots it doesn't pay to get to darn involved in the fertilizer stuff, but as long as you are working it up it would be good to get some N, P & K in there before you drag before seeding to start things off good. The fert dealer can help with soil samples, or they can kinda estimate from what crop you plant, what it uses up. Thanks for the complement, this web site is my therapy session. I'm farming, and during the stresses of the day & seasons, I find it relaxing to take a quick break, chat a little here. Unfortunately sometimes I am in the house for some REAL stressful reason (5 inches of rain, a busted $350 tire, etc.), & my attitude is a little short around here, I say things with more of an edge than I mean to. Hope everyone understands. :) --->Paul