From the little bit I know here goes: 1) Bearings I feel are personal choice considering a) grease jobs force me to maintain my equip. b) pita at times to unplug/replace zerk fittings but I know bearings are greased c) sealed bearings - no experience no opinion 2) Stay away from QFF, TSC etc. light duty stuff and only 6' wide. After you gain proficiency with these smaller ones you will be looking for something else SOON. Consider some older used iron or chop wings off of a bat wing disk. 3) I have 3pth disk - to lite, have to place two 55 gal drums of water on it for weight. 4) Pull type disks are heavier do a better job cutting. IMHO using my neighbors also does a better job of leveling the ground. Your rig is only 35HP so pull type may be to heavy. 5) Stay away from fixed gangs - no adjustment. 6) go with tandem gangs - single gangs to small, off-set disks to long for easy manuvering in & around pine trees. 7) You can break blades if not lifting during turn 8) I am leaning towards old wheel/transport disks w/adjustable tandem gangs because - a) parts availability b) I can drag section of railroad track behind as leveling bar or weld some kind of permanent extension off the back of the disk c) Adjustable gangs - both front and rear d) wheel disks makes for easier transport -county doesn't like me tearing up the dirt road out here. e) I am still looking for 8-12', preferrably 10' in N.FL / S.GA area FWIW, ShepFL