Until about 5 years ago I was planting with a 3-point, 4 row Case planter that could be used for hill drop, or check row planting. Never did, but most of the hardware was there. Quite a few mechanical planters could hill-drop & check row. Dad was still hill-dropping with it through the '70s, worked fine with the corn pickers. Actually, it gave them a chance to clear the rollers between bunches, worked better in some conditions. You string a wire down the length of the field, it has knots in the wire every 40" (something like 36" to 42", I imagine there were different setups). The planter has a little dogear on the side that follows the wire, and when it hits a knot, it flips open shutters on each row, dropping 2-4 seeds in a hill. You had to be real careful to always line up the wire so the hills were dropped right across from each other on future passes across the field. Then you could cultivate north/south, and east/west to kill all the weeds. Obviously this was before spray, so the biggest reason was for weed control. I hear it was a bumpy ride! :) --->Paul