This isn't machinery related, but I feel I have to share it. (and if anybody disagrees with me, it's your right to do so). Farmerboy, don't get mad at someone and flame away because they see you as a lesser person. Firing back at them right away sometimes just reinforces their low opinion of you. Use that insult as motivation to prove them wrong, that you are indeed not a "dirty, uneducated creep". PolitenessMan was probably taking shots at you for some misspellings and incorrect grammar. Good language skills are very important, because language is what ties us all together. Without it, communication of ideas between people would be impossible. The higher the level of skill people possess, the easier it is to communicate. If you want to prove PolitenessMan wrong, try reading books about anything and everything in which you have interest (it's easier to get into a book you actually want to read than one that you're assigned to read). The more you read, the more your spelling, vocabulary, and grammar will improve. Then, not only will you be an expert on the stuff you like, you'll sound like an expert, too. I started reading a lot when I was in 5th grade (and I've continued to read a lot since, and I'm almost 28). I can tell you from experience, that as my reading level went higher, school got a lot easier. I ended up taking the more advanced classes in high school, and went on to get a bachelor's degree in college. However, I'm still a farmer, and I'm still a country boy, but I've got the same education as a lot of those self-centered "yuppies" have, which allows me to better defend myself when they dare to insult me as a "dumb farmer".